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Key facts – Philanthropy and community communication

Key facts - This report provides a brief overview of the operational context of community media in the country, covering their main agendas, challenges, and obstacles, and highlighting the significant diversity and heterogeneity of this field, which presents itself as a complex and potent ecosystem. It also outlines ongoing dialogues and partnerships between philanthropy and community media, drawing from experiences and practices of organizations within the Comuá Network. Within the context of the research conducted, it becomes clear that beyond the existing exchange relationships and support among network members and local community communication initiatives, there are new identified demands and a desire to deepen partnerships. We also identify potential for joint actions in funding, coordination, and training, given that network members possess complementary experiences, expertise, and scopes of operation. Overall, this study aims to raise awareness about the importance of supporting community and independent media in Brazil. In the section "Why support community media," we discuss the intrinsic relationship of this agenda with ensuring and strengthening democracy, and its role in addressing news deserts and misinformation.


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