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The role and protagonism of civil society in the facing of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil

The role and protagonism of civil society in the facing of the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil
This study examines the path trailed by civil society and Brazilian philanthropy since the 1980s, which is crucial to the understanding of the dynamics and trends that support one of the theses developed throughout this work: civil society as a strategic element in the consolidation process of Brazilian democracy. Civil society organizations (CSOs) faced, in recent years, numerous reputation attacks and challenges concerning their political and financial sustainability. From a study of multiple cases, conducted with institutions selected according to the established criteria, it was determined that the CSOs, in the pandemic scenario, were capable of building agendas, narratives, languages and forms of production and organization based on self-management, experiences based on a social dynamic where work and politics tend to coincide, as part of a process involving, at the same time, the organization of activism and production.


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