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The Trust Gap: The Troubling Lack of Direct, Flexible Funding for Human Rights in the Global South and East

"The trust gap: The Troubling Lack of Direct, Flexible Funding for Human Rights in the Global South and East" is a groundbreaking report organized by the Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) that delves into the disparities in funding for human rights activism worldwide. Drawing on over a decade of mapping the global funding landscape, the report highlights significant differences in funding accessibility between groups in the Global South and East compared to those in the Global North. By analyzing grant data, the report explores what the HRFN terms the "trust gap" and raises critical questions about whether these differences reflect a fundamental lack of trust in organizations from the Global South and East. It investigates the extent to which philanthropic funding allows organizations to lead change in their own contexts and the flexibility they have in utilizing the resources provided. Through rigorous data analysis and thoughtful inquiry, the report sheds light on the challenges faced by human rights activists and institutions in accessing direct and flexible funding. It underscores the importance of addressing these disparities to ensure more equitable support for human rights efforts globally. This publication serves as a call to action for philanthropic organizations and donors to bridge the trust gap and provide more meaningful and responsive support to human rights defenders in the Global South and East. Organização: HRFN Tags: Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN); Trust gap; Funding disparities


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