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Celebrating LGBTQIA+ Pride Month: Who Supports Diversity?

By Mica Peres

The Philanthropy Network for Social Justice is made up of thirteen member organizations, thematic and community funds and community foundations that provide support in various areas for Brazilian civil society organizations and collectives. These organizations work by supporting initiatives in capitals, in the interior, with emergency actions, in humanitarian aid. They work in family farming, community development, environmental education, transportation, land use, food, housing and water resources. We could spend hours describing the fields where this support is present, the lines of work they develop, but, this month, we want to highlight a key aspect in this process: the audiences involved in the field of community philanthropy and social justice, that is, the people to whom the support is intended.

According to our latest survey [1], almost all of the members that make up the Network (mostly made up of women) provide support aimed at women. Supporting women often means ensuring their and their children's subsistence, removing them from situations of violence, enabling the generation of work and income, their professionalization and the transformation of lives.

Just as they support women, many members also support indigenous communities, youth, black people, quilombolas, immigrants, LGBTQIA+s, and this support means the possibility of transformation for these people. Understanding the audiences supported and the specific demands of each group makes a difference in the success of the actions undertaken, and this is how the Funds that make up the Network work.

It is through notices that the funds enable their support for diversity, such as project competitions “Human Rights and Criminal Justice” (from the Brazilian Human Rights Fund) which focuses on supporting initiatives to combat human rights violations resulting from the process of mass incarceration in Brazil, the “Women in Movement Notice” (from the ELAS+ Fund) aimed at strengthening women and LBTs through financial support, training and monitoring, the “Black Lives Notice” (from the Baobá Fund for Racial Equity) aimed at supporting organizations that work to combat racial violence, the “Notice on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women” (from the Grande Florianópolis Community Institute – ICOM) which financially supports organizations and groups that work to prevent and combat violence against women, or the “LGBTQIA+ Notice Defending Rights” (from the Brazilian Human Rights Fund) that strengthens movements, organizations, collectives and networks that work to defend the rights of the LGBTQIA+ population in Brazil.

In numbers, over the last three years, Network members supported more than 7,500 initiatives, directly – with financial transfer – and indirectly – with support from other types of resources. If we consider the specific actions to combat COVID 19 that had significant expression in the Brazilian scenario, we went from 100 thousand initiatives supported in the last three years, reaching more distant places (outside the major capitals), to a very diverse public and guaranteed basic rights to a large part of the Brazilian population.

In LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, the Social Justice Philanthropy Network celebrates diversity with member organizations that provide financial support to even more diverse groups across the country.

[1] The performance of member organizations in 2019 and 2020 (RFJS, 2021)

Mica Peres is a data, communications and technology advisor at the Philanthropy Network for Social Justice


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