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Donate to transform: strategies and concepts

O Donate to Transform Program – executed with support from Dutch Cooperation – is organically integrated with the actions that the Philanthropy Network for Social Justice (RFJS) has been developing since 2018. The production of content on community philanthropy and social justice was already a line of priority action, which is now organized organically with the launch of the Donate to Transform Seal, a collection of publications that reflect this reflection. Strengthening the Network and its members is a central strategy of the program that will now be aligned with the advocacy program, which aims to boost and position the community philanthropy and social justice agenda in the Brazilian philanthropic ecosystem, expanding and strengthening organizations in the civil society committed to social justice, seeking to progressively increase donations (actions of grantmaking).

Some questions arise when we think about structuring a RFJS advocacy program. How to build network advocacy? What are the methodologies for the collective construction of narratives, and how to promote them? How to communicate concepts in a collective advocacy campaign? Who are the actors involved and how to reach them?

To reflect on these challenges, the Network's executive coordination worked on drafting a Conceitual map of Donate to Transform Program, and from this work emerged the infographic presented here, which provides some answers to these questions. There is a narrative behind the drawing, and we want to delve deeper into it.

Local communities, political minorities and the fight for rights are at the basis of the program DONATE TO TRANSFORM, which seeks to strengthen voices and power with resources and capabilities through strengthened civil society organizations.

The strengthening of civil society organizations demands, among many other things, a strengthened culture of donations, with a focus on access to rights which, in turn, must be fed by impact narratives constructed by the communities themselves in their historical struggles. It is not new that means of financing collective struggles are organized from the grassroots, but today it is essential that the philanthropic ecosystem recognizes and reflects on the direction of its agendas.

We then arrive at the center of the project DONATE TO TRANSFORM: a community and social justice philanthropy that focuses on this culture of donations aimed at strengthening civil society and struggles for rights. Narratives are the input for advocacy and these processes influence the national and international philanthropic ecosystem, producing diversity and impact.

It sounds complex, and it is. But we are talking about a mechanism that involves actors articulated in a network and that has the power to question traditional systems of philanthropy guided by external agendas and power relations organized from the outside in or from the top down. We are talking about a system that, like a tree, feeds itself from the base, circulating the production of agendas, content, narratives, stories, impacts, resources.

At the root that feeds the system we have the narratives produced by the base, which guide the grantmaking, communication, evaluation methodologies that are not interested in just reporting, but in measuring what really matters, the production of knowledge and exchange between peers. Partnerships to enable collective and network advocacy.

Communities claiming rights through a strengthened civil society receive resources and produce narratives that fuel the impact of community philanthropy and social justice on the culture of giving for rights and on the national and international philanthropic ecosystem.

The program DONATE TO TRANSFORM will seek to influence the philanthropic ecosystem and strengthen the community philanthropy and social justice agenda, which directs resources to local communities and political minorities, supporting their struggles for rights waged by communities, diverse audiences, and civil society organizations to produce advocacy. The RFJS advocacy program wants to show the impacts of donations in the field of social justice and for local communities. You want to create a showcase of results. To do this, it is necessary to measure what matters, and mainly to collectively build narratives from the organizations that are at the base of the fight for rights.

The following infographic graphically presents the strategies and concepts that are the basis of the program DONATE TO TRANSFORM.


Imagem: Chis. e Chiapas em San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico de Meg Pier (@peopleareculture)
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