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Public Call LAB Storm Baixada Santista, from Procomum

Dates and deadlines

May 11, 2023


11:50 p.m.


The Procomum Institute opens a public call for LAB Storm 2023 – Baixada Santista – In defense of life and dignity. This is an experience in a laboratory format, which includes face-to-face moments, in June, at the headquarters of LAB Procomum, in Santos-SP and remote ones.


The objective of the laboratory is to select 18 people, residents of the Baixada Santista region, directly impacted and/or with a history of developing solutions related to climate actions, from different profiles, for the development of prototypes decided collaboratively during the meetings, and/or the improvement of ideas (total of 3 initiatives) that can address local climate challenges. In other words, the prototypes and actions to be carried out will be decided by the participants themselves, during the first stage of the project, with the support of facilitation methodologies for their choice and development.


Each participant will receive a scholarship R$400 in addition to resources for the development of prototypes and travel expenses.

Registration until May 11th.