The Capacity Building Program aims to build and/or strengthen relevant capacities for member organizations, their teams, and partners, contributing to the recognition and significance of the fields of community philanthropy and social justice in Brazil.
The thematic structure proposed for the Program was developed through a consultation process with members conducted since 2020. In 2023, the Program is structured around the establishment of four Communities of Practice in alignment with the core strategies of the Advocacy Program:
It addresses the themes of grantmaking, analysis of the Advocacy scenario, climate justice and democracy.
It proposes periodic exchanges between communicators from diverse organizations, in collaboration with our “Coffee with Communicators” initiative.
It covers topics such as monitoring and evaluation, protection and security, self-care, resource management, and mobilization.
It proposes periodic exchanges for knowledge production about philanthropy, in collaboration with the Knowledge Program.
"a group of people [who] come together around the same topic or interest. These people work together to find ways to improve what they do, whether solving a problem in the community or learning on a daily basis, [with] regular interaction."
WENGER et al., 2014, p. 1
Through the Communities of Practice, Comuá Network also fosters a collective process of producing narratives and knowledge related to community philanthropy and social justice to strengthen these agendas by increasing the visibility of ongoing actions and initiatives. The goal is to empower voices and rights and promote the donation of resources to organizations.
The Program envisions conducting activities in multiple formats, including:
Over the past two years, 26 virtual events were conducted, engaging 590 participants.
Open activities are also held, focusing on launching publications and promoting discussions involving institutional partners, key actors in the philanthropic ecosystem, and the public sphere. The objective is to raise awareness about the agendas of community philanthropy and socio-environmental justice.
To stay updated on the open activities of the Communities of Practice of the Comuá Network, subscribe to our newsletter and follow our social media channels.
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Rede Comuá – Filantropia que transforma © 2024 | Desenvolvido por Studio Lapa