In 2022, the Philanthropy Network for Social Justice (RFJS) completes ten years of operation and plans to hold a series of commemorative activities throughout the year.
RFJS will promote a set of activities – events, campaigns, debates, etc. – on the themes of community philanthropy and social justice and will carry out a mapping of independent thematic and community funds in Brazil that donate to civil society through diversified investment strategies. grantmaking , with the intention of having a diagnosis of this ecosystem and possibly expanding the number of member organizations.
The production of knowledge and the exchange of experience will continue in 2022 with the activities developed in the Network's communities of practice. Communication strategies and products to increase the donation of resources will also be developed and disseminated throughout 2022.
Testimonials from people linked to the foundation and history of RFJS will be shared on our communication channels, as well as information about projects and products made possible by the Support Program in partnership with the organizations that make up the Network.
The expansion of partnerships with the philanthropic ecosystem, whether in carrying out projects and events, or even in actions involving advocacy with a view to expanding donations to organizations that work with social justice and human rights, it has been one of the Network's articulations and should expand in 2022.
Throughout its history, since its formation in 2012, the Network has established itself as a space for articulation of organizations that work in the field of community philanthropy and social justice, providing the exchange of experiences and learning, the development of joint actions and dialogue with different actors.
“We still have many challenges, I believe that the Network still has a lot to grow, incorporate more members, as quantity also makes quality. The more members, the more we will be able to make it a recognized space in the philanthropic ecosystem. And also that the donor organizations, which we still don't even know who they are, recognize in the Network a space for exchange, for belonging, a space to establish certain agendas”, analyzes the executive coordinator of RFJS, Graciela Hopstein.
“I hope that the 10 years will bring a lot of momentum, including for the repositioning of the brand, which is already in dialogue with this dynamic of positioning in the philanthropic ecosystem and which involves very strong work in the area of communication. The context of the electoral political scenario in 2022 will bring identity agendas, and the Network has enormous potential to conduct this type of debates. From the age of 10, “the milestone” will be to trace the paths, and I believe that the Network is already finding its own dynamics to reaffirm itself as a relevant actor in the national and international philanthropic ecosystem.”, points out the coordinator.
The Network’s trajectory in a decade
The first six years of the organization consisted of a period of structuring.
Graciela Hopstein highlights that, in the beginning, the Network dedicated a lot to its structuring and the process of creating its presence in the field and, in recent years, great steps have been taken, especially because the organization has won important financing, in addition to having started do relevant work in the Brazilian philanthropic ecosystem and also with its associates.
“Initially, the Network tried to get closer to funders, partners and relevant organizations, and now we are seeing the opposite direction, we are being sought out because they are recognizing this space as important for reflection and promoting agendas,” says Graciela.
Since then, the Network has been collaborating, through different activities and the development of initiatives in the programmatic area, to strengthen member organizations through the promotion of spaces for mutual learning and training on topics of relevance to agendas of common interest.
The years 2018 to 2020 were fundamental for consolidation, articulation with different actors in the field and institutional strengthening. The Network was recognized as a relevant actor in the field of Brazilian and international philanthropy, and six new members contributed to institutional enrichment.
Different activities and publications launched during the period established these milestones, such as Social justice philanthropy, civil society and social movements in Brazil – organized by Graciela Hopstein, which brings together a series of articles produced by members of member organizations -, the seminar held in partnership with GIFE Expanding and Strengthening Community Philanthropy in Brazill; the development of programs Capacity Building it's from Support, with the partnership of the Inter-American Foundation (IAF) and Porticus, after restructuring the programmatic area; and the Donate to Transform Program (Giving For Change), project with the support of Dutch cooperation that expanded the international reach of the Network and contributed to the strengthening and promotion of institutional work.
“It was a relevant turning point to work on restructuring the programmatic area of the Network, coordinating with members and partners (…) we are looking at the members, doing collective and network work, to be able to jointly impact the philanthropic ecosystem with the agendas that the Network brings community philanthropy and social justice”, says Graciela.
And the work continues. This year the Network awaits great challenges, institutional growth and moments of planning for the future after completing 10 years.
Follow our social networks to access first-hand the Network's news in celebrations of its ten years of operation!