Welcome to the Comuá Network!



Valuing knowledge built by political minorities and territories is the spirit that guides the Knowledge Program. 

The Program aims to promote the production and sharing of content and knowledge through the systematization of practices, experiences, reflections, and the development of studies and social technologies that can drive and position the agendas of community philanthropy and social justice in the Brazilian philanthropic ecosystems. 

By selecting community leaders and professionals working in philanthropy and civil society, the Program supports researchers, students, and members of the community and civil society by awarding grants. The purpose is to promote the production of up-to-date and innovative knowledge related to community philanthropy and socio-environmental justice.

This knowledge, in addition to showcasing the strength of community experiences and wisdom, aims to highlight philanthropic practices and collaborative arrangements linked to communities, groups, movements, and civil society networks in the agendas of human rights access and recognition, focusing on political minorities. Thus, the Knowledge Program aims to strengthen the Comuá Advocacy Program, which seeks to influence the philanthropic ecosystem by producing knowledge in the field, understood as a strategic action.

In summary, the Knowledge Program has the following objectives:

  • Encourage the generation of knowledge in various forms, using narrative creation, practice systematization, experiences, reflections, and other content related to community philanthropy and socio-environmental justice agendas
  • Give visibility to the agendas, practices and forms of action developed by various actors in the area of community philanthropy and socio-environmental justice – including members of Comuá Network and independent funds – contributing to the strengthening of the Comuá Network's Advocacy Program.
  • Contribute to the empowerment of leaders and professionals working in the fields of philanthropy and civil society, including professionals from member organizations of the Comuá Network, through the development of training and research activities in the fields of socio-environmental justice and community development.
  • Create a Community of Practice (CoP) composed of leaders and professionals who advocate for and disseminate the practices and methods of community philanthropy and socio-environmental justice, promoting emancipatory practices in their territories, organizations and other spaces.


In Em 2022, seven grants were awarded to civil society leaders and professionals who conducted research and projects in various fields, contributing to strengthening community philanthropy and social justice in Brazil. To learn more about the research conducted by this first group, listen to the first season of the Comuá Network's podcast here and access their publications on Transform HUB.

This project aims at a general evaluation of the financing of micro-projects with peoples and traditional communities of the Cerrado and Amazon, implemented by ISPN (Institute of Climate, Society, Population and Nature). These micro-projects serve as philanthropic tools designed to align with the realities of many of these communities, which face both a significant lack of support and considerable challenges in accessing and managing resources to enhance their activities.

This project aims to strengthen the development of narratives and assessments in the field of philanthropy and private social investment in Brazil, focusing on streamlining processes and prioritizing the allocation of resources to initiatives in Brazilian favelas and areas dedicated to racial, social, and gender justice. To achieve this, collecting and studying national and international experiences to facilitate the discourse on philanthropy democratization in the country will be promoted.

This project seeks to investigate the international and national experiences of giving circles, as well as strategies that are being adopted by FunBEA in the experience of planning and structuring the donors' circle campaign on the North Coast of São Paulo. This effort aims to recognize characteristics and peculiarities compared to the international literature on donation circles.

The objective is to systematize the local experience of strengthening community-based organizations in the Greater Florianópolis region served by ICOM through individual, free, and personalized consultations related to institutional development for community philanthropy. ICOM is a reference in this type of consultancy in the region, and the systematization of this experience to develop a range of materials and tools can be replicated in other contexts and organizations.

This project aims to gather and systematize the political perspectives of Black women leaders and organizations from the North and Northeast regions regarding the realm of Black philanthropy in an e-book.

This project seeks to obtain a qualitative view of the integration of Afro-Brazilian religious communities into philanthropic ecosystems by conducting interviews with leaders involved in community actions and organizations that promote community philanthropy. The interviews will be semi-structured, maintaining a thematic but open and informal focus, allowing for dynamic conversations between peers.

The project intends to promote remembrance and reflection on the Brumadinho Regenerative Fund, enabling the replicability of the experience in other territories. To achieve this, a series of interviews with residents, mentors, curatorial team, and fund recipients will unveil the step-by-step process of designing the fund, from the initial idea to the execution of local projects. 


Em 2024, estão sendo realizados 9 apoios para lideranças e profissionais da sociedade civil para desenvolvimento dos projetos e pesquisas abaixo:

O projeto tem como objetivo analisar o acesso a recursos filantrópicos por movimentos sociais, ouvindo o Movimento Sem-Teto e o Movimento Rural em Salvador e Utinga, Bahia, para pensar sobre a dificuldade de acesso à recursos dos movimentos sociais e a necessidade de uma nova cultura política de doação voltada a esses agentes de justiça social.

A pesquisa busca sistematizar a “Tijolo por Tijolo”, uma campanha de apoio financeiro para fortalecer o jornalismo local e periférico. A partir disso, busca desenvolver um guia de desenvolvimento de uma comunidade ao redor de organizações independentes de comunicação periféricas e jornalistas locais, com o objetivo de fortalecer o corre de novas organizações jornalísticas das periferias brasileiras para que elas possam desenvolver e fomentar a filantropia ao seu redor.

O Minha História de Doação é um podcast que apresenta as histórias de lideranças comunitárias que estão mobilizando seus territórios para promover a doação.

Produção de conhecimento sobre as relações assimétricas de poder e de dependência mútua entre doadores e ONGs no Nordeste, especificamente no que diz respeito à lei federal de incentivo ao esporte. Produtos incluem textos e fortalecimento de lideranças do Nordeste.

Mapeamento de projetos de OSC apoiadas pela Rede Comuá ou outras instituições sobre Justiça Climática para pessoas trans analisando problemas e estratégias diante dos impactos das mudanças climáticas.

A partir de uma análise interseccional e decolonial, a pesquisa busca endereçar criticamente as relações entre gênero, raça e direitos econômicos com o Investimento Social Privado: A quem serve a filantropia? Como produzir justiça social e promover acesso a direitos econômicos para mulheres negras? Como aprender com elas?

O projeto visa realizar um estudo preliminar sobre a relação entre as organizações de travestis e mulheres transexuais e os ecossistemas filantrópicos no Brasil.

A pesquisa busca sistematizar a experiência do Fundo Brasil no apoio à casas e terreiros de matriz africana no combate ao racismo religioso, a partir do Edital “Enfrentando o racismo a partir da base”, para contribuir com o debate sobre o papel da filantropia para justiça social no combate ao racismo religioso, e visibilizar as ações de filantropia comunitária realizadas pelas casas de matriz africana.

A pesquisa busca acompanhar iniciativas lideradas por jovens e mostrar o que acontece quando juventudes periféricas acessam os recursos da filantropia para justiça socioambiental, com foco nas experiências do Fundo Casa no campo.

New Call for Proposals

O Programa Saberes continuará promovendo a atuação coletiva e em rede para construir estratégias e narrativas robustas, bem como para produzir e compartilhar conteúdos que fortaleçam e posicionem as agendas de acesso a direitos nos ecossistemas filantrópicos, tanto no Brasil quanto internacionalmente. O programa busca ampliar as práticas de grantmaking (apoio financeiro) e fomentar a cultura de doação em favor de grupos, coletivos, movimentos, lideranças e organizações da sociedade civil comprometidas com esses campos de atuação.
Na edição de 2025, com o fortalecimento da atuação da Rede Comuá nas agendas de justiça climática e filantropia, e em vista de importantes eventos no próximo ano, como a COP30 em Belém, o programa terá como foco destacar soluções inovadoras e evidenciar as lacunas no financiamento de Soluções Climáticas Locais.
Access the new call for proposals here: