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The Transforming Philanthropy Month 2024 is almost here!

Vem aí o Mês da Filantropia que Transforma 2024!

Foto: Rede Comuá

In September 2024, the Comuá Network, along with its member organizations, will celebrate yet another Transforming Philanthropy Month, with the participation of strategic partners and funders. This is the second year that Comuá dedicates a whole month to promote debates and reflections on socio-environmental justice and community philanthropy practices.

In 2023, the focus of this advocacy effort was to give visibility to the diversity of practices and experiences associated with these agendas. The results were expressive: 33 activities were held, with a total of 168 hours of programming, 16 online meetings, 11 face-to-face activities, and six digital campaigns. This shows a considerable involvement of a number of diverse actors, as well as the wide range of the actions developed. The audience reached was diverse, making the Month an inclusive and democratic movement. It had two thousand participants – online and in person -, and 29 products developed were and/or launched.

20 thematic agendas related to community philanthropy and socio-environmental justice were addressed. Overall, 114 organizations were involved in the Month’s events, as partners and/or by proposing activities.

The communication campaign reached, on traditional media platforms/channels, at least 8.4 million people in different regions of the country. Through its own platforms and channels, the campaign executed by Comuá and its members reached 175 thousand accounts on Instagram, 1.9 thousand on Facebook, 1 thousand subscribers on Linkedin, and 386 views on Youtube.

Transforming Philanthropy Month 2024

In 2024, the core thematic focus of the Month will be on Locally-led Climate Solutions, to provide greater visibility to the actions proposed and developed by the network’s member organizations, in an urgent, priority capacity, putting emphasis on the issue of climate financing

Philanthropies can play an important role in the climate issue by donating resources so that the solutions proposed and developed by those who suffer the most from the effects of climate change (who are also, to a large extent, those who most contribute to its mitigation) can be implemented and transform the realities from which they originated.

That is the proposition of the Transforming Philanthropy Month: to show how community and independent philanthropy donor organizations make sure that resources reach these groups so that they can implement solutions and be more resilient within the scenario of extreme climate events. 

The Comuá Network will soon release more information on how to participate in the Month’s activities.


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