Seja muito bem-vinda/e/o à Rede Comuá!

Medindo o que Importa à caminho de Bogotá: unindo estudos e prática!

Início: 27 de setembro | 11h30

Término: 27 de setembro | 13h


Encontro online




Atividade aberta, mediante inscrição


Global Fund for Community Foundations


Language/Idioma: Simultaneous Portuguese and Spanish translation will be provided. Será fornecida tradução simultânea para português e espanhol

Inscrições/Register here: link


Medindo o que Importa à caminho de Bogotá: unindo estudos e prática!


Até que ponto os interesses dos acadêmicos se alinham com os dos ativistas e dos agentes de mudança no que diz respeito à monitoramento do impacto social? Este webinar convida você a explorar esta questão com colegas e com três acadêmicos que publicaram recentemente um artigo examinando os estudos sobre avaliação de impacto social e propondo um programa de pesquisa para avançar a teoria e a prática (Observação: uma cópia em PDF do artigo será enviada a todos quem se inscreverem no webinar).

Os ativistas estão intuitivamente envolvidos nos processos de aprendizagem, mesmo que nem sempre se refiram (ou queiram referir-se) a este trabalho como “M&A”, “MEL”, “MEAL”, etc. que estão difundidos no setor da filantropia e do desenvolvimento internacional, apelando a abordagens mais transformacionais que liguem as práticas de monitoramento às realidades e mudem os processos no terreno e destaquem a importância de testar novas abordagens.

Este webinar foi concebido para ajudar a identificar potenciais intersecções e oportunidades entre os estudos e a prática, trazendo activistas da mudança social para o diálogo com acadêmicos, com vista a criar novos caminhos para a colaboração e experimentação na procura de novas alternativas.

O webinar fará parte de uma ampla gama de atividades que fazem parte do “Road to Bogotá” e da Cúpula Global #ShiftThePower que acontecerá em dezembro na Colômbia.


Autores, Nonprofit Organizations and the Evaluation of Social Impact: A Research Program to Advance Theory and Practice

  • Lehn Benjamin, Associate Professor of Philanthropic Studies; Affiliate Faculty, Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University (United States)
  • Alnoor Ebrahim, Professor of Management, Fletcher School & Tisch College of Civic Life, Tufts University (United States)
  • Mary Kay Gugerty, Associate Dean for Teaching & Learning; Nancy Bell Evans Professor in Nonprofit Management, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, University of Washington (United States)


  • Karima Kadouai, Tamkeen Community Foundation, Morocco
  • Graciela Hopstein and Jonathas Azevedo, Comuá Network, Brazil


Measuring What Matters on the Road to Bogota: bridging scholarship and practice!

How closely do the interests of scholars align with those of activists and change-makers when it comes to the measurement of social impact? This webinar invites you to explore this question with peers and with three academics who recently published an article examining the scholarship on social impact evaluation and proposing a research programme to advance theory and practice (Note: A PDF copy of their article will be sent to everyone who registers for the webinar).

Activists are intuitively engaged in learning processes, even if they might not always refer (or want to refer) to this work as “M&E”, “MEL”, “MEAL”, etc. Many have spoken up against the transactional and formulaic measurement frameworks that are pervasive in the philanthropy and international development sector, calling for more transformational approaches that connect measurement practices to realities and change processes on the ground and highlight the importance of testing out new approaches.

This webinar is designed to help identify potential intersections and opportunities across and between scholarship and practice, by bringing social change activists into dialogue with academics, with a view to forging new pathways for collaboration and experimentation in the pursuit of new alternatives.

The webinar will form part of a broad range of activities that are part of the “road to Bogotá” and the #ShiftThePower Global Summit that will take place in December in Colombia.


Authors, Nonprofit Organizations and the Evaluation of Social Impact: A Research Program to Advance Theory and Practice

  • Lehn Benjamin, Associate Professor of Philanthropic Studies; Affiliate Faculty, Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University (United States)
  • Alnoor Ebrahim, Professor of Management, Fletcher School & Tisch College of Civic Life, Tufts University (United States)
  • Mary Kay Gugerty, Associate Dean for Teaching & Learning; Nancy Bell Evans Professor in Nonprofit Management, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, University of Washington (United States)


  • Karima Kadouai, Tamkeen Community Foundation, Morocco
  • Graciela Hopstein and Jonathas Azevedo, Comuá Network, Brazil


This 90 minute session will begin at/Esta sessão de 90 minutos começará às: 8pm Delhi / 5:30pm Nairobi / 4:30pm Johannesburg / 3:30pm London / 2:30pm Accra / 11:30am São Paulo / 10:30am New York / 9:30am Bogotá / 8:30am Mexico City



Tamkeen Community Foundation, Rede Comuá, #ShiftThePower Global Summit

Medindo o que Importa à caminho de Bogotá: unindo estudos e prática!

Início: 27 de setembro | 11h30

Término: 27 de setembro | 11h30


Encontro online






Global Fund for Community Foundations


Language/Idioma: Simultaneous Portuguese and Spanish translation will be provided. Será fornecida tradução simultânea para português e espanhol

Inscrições/Register here: link


Medindo o que Importa à caminho de Bogotá: unindo estudos e prática!


Até que ponto os interesses dos acadêmicos se alinham com os dos ativistas e dos agentes de mudança no que diz respeito à monitoramento do impacto social? Este webinar convida você a explorar esta questão com colegas e com três acadêmicos que publicaram recentemente um artigo examinando os estudos sobre avaliação de impacto social e propondo um programa de pesquisa para avançar a teoria e a prática (Observação: uma cópia em PDF do artigo será enviada a todos quem se inscreverem no webinar).

Os ativistas estão intuitivamente envolvidos nos processos de aprendizagem, mesmo que nem sempre se refiram (ou queiram referir-se) a este trabalho como “M&A”, “MEL”, “MEAL”, etc. que estão difundidos no setor da filantropia e do desenvolvimento internacional, apelando a abordagens mais transformacionais que liguem as práticas de monitoramento às realidades e mudem os processos no terreno e destaquem a importância de testar novas abordagens.

Este webinar foi concebido para ajudar a identificar potenciais intersecções e oportunidades entre os estudos e a prática, trazendo activistas da mudança social para o diálogo com acadêmicos, com vista a criar novos caminhos para a colaboração e experimentação na procura de novas alternativas.

O webinar fará parte de uma ampla gama de atividades que fazem parte do “Road to Bogotá” e da Cúpula Global #ShiftThePower que acontecerá em dezembro na Colômbia.


Autores, Nonprofit Organizations and the Evaluation of Social Impact: A Research Program to Advance Theory and Practice

  • Lehn Benjamin, Associate Professor of Philanthropic Studies; Affiliate Faculty, Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University (United States)
  • Alnoor Ebrahim, Professor of Management, Fletcher School & Tisch College of Civic Life, Tufts University (United States)
  • Mary Kay Gugerty, Associate Dean for Teaching & Learning; Nancy Bell Evans Professor in Nonprofit Management, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, University of Washington (United States)


  • Karima Kadouai, Tamkeen Community Foundation, Morocco
  • Graciela Hopstein and Jonathas Azevedo, Comuá Network, Brazil


Measuring What Matters on the Road to Bogota: bridging scholarship and practice!

How closely do the interests of scholars align with those of activists and change-makers when it comes to the measurement of social impact? This webinar invites you to explore this question with peers and with three academics who recently published an article examining the scholarship on social impact evaluation and proposing a research programme to advance theory and practice (Note: A PDF copy of their article will be sent to everyone who registers for the webinar).

Activists are intuitively engaged in learning processes, even if they might not always refer (or want to refer) to this work as “M&E”, “MEL”, “MEAL”, etc. Many have spoken up against the transactional and formulaic measurement frameworks that are pervasive in the philanthropy and international development sector, calling for more transformational approaches that connect measurement practices to realities and change processes on the ground and highlight the importance of testing out new approaches.

This webinar is designed to help identify potential intersections and opportunities across and between scholarship and practice, by bringing social change activists into dialogue with academics, with a view to forging new pathways for collaboration and experimentation in the pursuit of new alternatives.

The webinar will form part of a broad range of activities that are part of the “road to Bogotá” and the #ShiftThePower Global Summit that will take place in December in Colombia.


Authors, Nonprofit Organizations and the Evaluation of Social Impact: A Research Program to Advance Theory and Practice

  • Lehn Benjamin, Associate Professor of Philanthropic Studies; Affiliate Faculty, Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University (United States)
  • Alnoor Ebrahim, Professor of Management, Fletcher School & Tisch College of Civic Life, Tufts University (United States)
  • Mary Kay Gugerty, Associate Dean for Teaching & Learning; Nancy Bell Evans Professor in Nonprofit Management, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance, University of Washington (United States)


  • Karima Kadouai, Tamkeen Community Foundation, Morocco
  • Graciela Hopstein and Jonathas Azevedo, Comuá Network, Brazil


This 90 minute session will begin at/Esta sessão de 90 minutos começará às: 8pm Delhi / 5:30pm Nairobi / 4:30pm Johannesburg / 3:30pm London / 2:30pm Accra / 11:30am São Paulo / 10:30am New York / 9:30am Bogotá / 8:30am Mexico City



Tamkeen Community Foundation, Rede Comuá, #ShiftThePower Global Summit